Showing posts with label Streamyx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Streamyx. Show all posts

Monday, April 26, 2010


My ping was 213ms!
Tue Apr 27 2010 12:51:05 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)

203 kbps
(25.4 KB/sec)
262 kbps
(32.8 KB/sec)
 Throughput Performance

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Streamyx aka Screamyx pt 2 - Dislike

I have seriously lost count of how many emails I have sent and lets no go to the calls. I am amazed as to how much patience I've had over the years with this ridiculous BB provider. Im really not going to say much except  list out an email from me to them and their reply which by the way took a week for them to reply. Please not that some words have been edited with an asterisk. My email to TM

Monday, April 12, 2010

Streamyx aka Screamyx - Dislike

Just like many of us Malaysians, I suffer from this decease called 'Streamyxfillis'. Its not rare, it's a very common virus and it's spreading rapidly in Malaysia. This virus has been around for ages and no one can seem to find the right cure or even a prevention!