Just like many of us Malaysians, I suffer from this decease called 'Streamyxfillis'. Its not rare, it's a very common virus and it's spreading rapidly in Malaysia. This virus has been around for ages and no one can seem to find the right cure or even a prevention!
I've been a streamyx customer since the day TM rolled out it's BB service. I remember I had a 512 kpbs package and I thought it was really fast. Yea it was, especially coming from a 52 kpbs connection! Now, all I can say is that my connection has never been stable at all. To make things worse, after all the complains I made, I upgraded my package. Damn it, I totally regret it. You would think with a 4 Mbps connection, I should be able to watch a decent clip on Youtube, without having to pause it for a few minutes. This really sucks and it's a waste of time. The only ones who are benefiting hight speeds are those designated 'VIP' zone. Yea, that's where the rich and politicians and oh of course the expats too.
What can we do? Only one thing, write in to the local news papers and see if TM takes action. Trust me they will. Have a look at this. Well this is just one the of the many complaints that the local news paper had printed. It always takes for some kind of media attention for TM to actually 'investigate' the case.
I've been a streamyx customer since the day TM rolled out it's BB service. I remember I had a 512 kpbs package and I thought it was really fast. Yea it was, especially coming from a 52 kpbs connection! Now, all I can say is that my connection has never been stable at all. To make things worse, after all the complains I made, I upgraded my package. Damn it, I totally regret it. You would think with a 4 Mbps connection, I should be able to watch a decent clip on Youtube, without having to pause it for a few minutes. This really sucks and it's a waste of time. The only ones who are benefiting hight speeds are those designated 'VIP' zone. Yea, that's where the rich and politicians and oh of course the expats too.
On a final note, do send your complains to MCMC at http://aduan.skmm.gov.my/ and http://www.complaint.cfm.org.my/ about TM's throttling/slowdown of connections. Here's a site you get some funny banners regarding Streamyx aka Screamyx http://www.streamyxsucks.com/ enjoy!