Headphones come in many designs and sizes and sound quality too. Each DJ has his/her own preference. For me, I’ve always been a big fan of Technics. Currently I’m using the RP-DH1200. The sound is crisp and not too much bass. The cup size is perfect for me too. So, go out and try a few headphones and if you can, try out the sound quality. Make sure your comfortable with it. Remember, you will be spinning in a loud and noisy environment, so get the right one for you.
Next, depending on your which way you go, a good bag is essential. If your a vinyl user, go out and get a good padded bag. UDG has some great options for vinyls. And if your into cds, they also have a wide range of bags to store your cds.
Remember, vinyls are very delicate, heat can warp them. When that happens, you’ll notice that the vinyls will not be as flat as they once were. It’ll have waves and make you vinyl unusable. So take good care of them. Also, get a vinyl duster and some liquid to clean your vinyls. It will help you in times when your vinyls get dirty and they need to be cleaned immediately.
If your going for cds, then its pretty straight forward. Not much to say except catalog your cds properly but lets assume your not using cds and going for mp3s, now that’s gonna be a different way. There are many ways to approach being an mp3 DJ and to all those who tell you that mp3s are for losers, just smile at them and keep the crowd rocking!
I will talk more about mps3 software’s in my future post. Till then, leave a comment if you have any questions. Take care!