Saturday, March 6, 2010

A small introduction to DJ attitude and DJ mixing

Being a DJ and mixing is a fun and exciting thing to do. You must enjoy and love what you’re doing or else it will just be another job.You also have to find out which style of music you want to play. That is very important. For example, if you love and enjoy deep house but your playing techno, you will find it not enjoyable after awhile. Just because “DJ A” is playing Techno, Trance, Dirty House or anything doesn’t mean you have too! Sure he is playing to a huge crowd but other genre of House has their fans too. Trust me, I’ve played to a large crowd and a small room and in my opinion, playing to smaller crowd is more fun. The crowd interaction is more fun and you can feel them. What I'm trying to tell you is, find what is style. Don't copy!

Now, if you’re one of those who play different types of genres, always remember to catalog your tracks properly. A well cataloged record bag or folder will help you prepare yourself for a good set. It is also very important to get to know your songs. My advice is to never mix something you don’t know. You need to know the song as this will help you mix better. You don’t want to have a mix that has two vocals up together. right? So always listen to the tracks first.

Also, NEVER be late for your gigs! Always remember that there people waiting for you! They are there to party with you. The DJ that is warming up will also have to extend his set, so be punctual and try to be as humble as possible. NO ONE likes an ‘egoistic’ DJ. Keep your attitude away and most importantly, STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS!! In my 14 years as a DJ, I have NEVER once used or taken drugs! You don’t need drugs to enjoy the music. Make the music you drug! Oh! and don’t be a drunk too. No one likes a slurring DJ and mixing goes nuts. Now that you’ve found your style, lets look at what type of DJ’s are out there.

Till the next post. Take care and see you soon!.