Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Like

For those who know me well, they know that I spend a lot of my free time gaming. Ask my girlfriend, she can testify :). I love playing first person shooter games.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of those games that I've spent hours playing. But just recently, I got hold of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and I must admit, it took a bit of getting used to, to play the game and enjoy. I really love this game. MW2 used to be my favourite game but now it's BFBC2. This is game is very different to MW2. Most players of MW2 will find it difficult especially those who like to run and gun and get as many kills as possible to get the 'nuke' and wipe everyone to oblivion.

BFBC2 is tactics and squad based. If you have a few friends who play this game, form a squad and use your mics. This will definitely benefit you and your squad and your team. If you have to sacrifice yourself for the good of the game, do it! If you have the opportunity to pick up a medic's kit and heal or revive someone, do it! The key word for this game is team work. This is not your MW2 run and kill everyone by yourself game.

Here's a video I found on youtube that shows you the proper way to enjoy and play this game. Some very good tactics on what you should and shouldn't do. Enjoy and if you haven't gotten the game. GET IT!!