Monday, April 26, 2010


My ping was 213ms!
Tue Apr 27 2010 12:51:05 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)

203 kbps
(25.4 KB/sec)
262 kbps
(32.8 KB/sec)
 Throughput Performance
 Total test taken
 Fastest download
4500 kbps
2010-02-06 15:34:34
 Fastest upload
425 kbps
2010-04-16 01:33:36
 Average download
2538 kbps
 Average upload
366 kbps

This has got to be the final straw. I hope the world sees this blog and see's how ridiculous this SP is! TM (Telekom Malaysia), this is who they are. Loads have emails and calls have been made to the so called technicians but each time I make a report, they keep telling me someone will call me tomorrow. This has been going on for over 3 weeks now. No one called. Not even an email. Only reply I got was after I had sent them 3 emails. Their reply was that some one is working on it and my co-operation is needed. How can I be patient when I get this almost every other day. I am on a 4mbps package and this is what I get? Come on TM, stop playing the lazy (tidak apa) attitude and keep doing the ' I'll check on it tomorrow' attitude. It's no wonder why so many giant corporations don't want to come here. It's because of attitude's like these. Wake up!